Karnival Renegades Playing Cards

Sale price$8.00 USD


Designed by renowned French artistic designer Sam Hayles, the Bicycle äóÖKarnivaläó» series of playing cards are a must-have addition to any collectorsäó» stash. This deck is one of the two äóÖRenegadeäó» packs available. The 2 decks are essentially the same in every way except for the colouring äóñ thereäó»s a blue deck and a purple deck. The other design in this particular series is the Karnival äóÖAssassinsäó» äóñ available in red and green. By mixing and matching these cards with each other or other Bicycle decks, you could create some really cool card routines.

The artwork on these cards is truly amazing and incredibly detailed.

Bicycle Karnival Inferno Box

The designer, Sam Hayles, has worked with various bands, record companies, DJäó»s, artists and music composers. The main character featured here is a suited up, top hat wearing skeleton whoäó»s weapons of choice are a knife, a bomb, an axe and a meat cleaver. The artwork on the back of the cards also features what appears to be a revolver in the middle. So Iäó»m thinking that the Renegade is someone not to be messed withäó_! You would almost be reminded of the old card games of years gone by when a man could lose his life over the turn of a card.

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